These are the steps to get certificates for both `www` subdomain and the apex domain. It's a bit of a workaround, and the certificates may expire in the long run, but it is the only way I found to get all the options I wanted:
From this forum GitHub doesn't currently support creating a certificate that covers both your root domain and your www subdomain. We only generate a certificate for the exact domain that you specify in the custom domain input box. The other impetus for this is Github's recommendation that you use the www subdomain as the custom domain to take advantage of their CDN: We strongly recommend that you use a www subdomain for these reasons:
Warning: If your domain has HTTPS enforcement enabled, GitHub Pages' servers will not automatically route redirects. You must configure www subdomain and root domain redirects with your domain registrar. 1. Set up apex domain1. Configure your custom domain using an A record with your DNS provider. Point to one of the following servers: 2. Add custom apex domain to github pages, eg `` 3. Wait for SSL certificate to be issued, and then click `Enforce HTTPS` in your GitHub options. 2. Set up the www subdomain1. Change the custom domain on github to the www subdomain. The url should continue to work, but now no longer served over HTTPS. 2. Change the default CNAME record that used to point `www` to `@` to point `www` to <githubname> Follow your DNS provider's instructions to create a CNAME record that points your subdomain to your default pages domain. For example, if you own the subdomain, you can configure a CNAME record to point to DNS changes can take over a full day to update, and the wait varies among DNS and hosting providers. 3. Wait again for the certificate to be issued, then reselect `Enforce HTTPS`.
Now all 4 domains should work:
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Creating the OBJ files
Creating texture maps in C4D
Thanks to the collective wisdom of the internet, I was able to find why my iframed apps were not working on iOS but were in every other browser/device. iOS sizes iframes based on the content size, which screws things up if you're using 'overflow: scroll' in your application. We tested a number of fixes, and this what what finally worked. iframe HTML
Get font files: Add to: assests/fonts/ fontawesome for React Notes: *FOUC: flash of unstyled content. The call stack:
Array with two methods: first in last out. push() pop() peak() //looks at the first one. Callback queue first in, first out. runs by adding them to the call stack basically an array, with two special methods: enqueue (unshift()) dequeue (shift()) Hoisting variables is done to make sure everything is declared before adding to the call stack. this[this.length++] = value //increments after evaluation this[++this.length} = value //increments before evaluation Continuous integration, tells you automatically if tests are passing or failing.
.travis.yml: set project to be a node project language: node_js node_js : - "7" services: - mongodb npm test will run, you can add your lint run first and then run tests using '&' Procfile, runs commands before starting server, each command starts dyno
heroku create -a [name] git push heroku [branch-name]:master We are working on building a navigation element that has the following behaviors: 1. A switcher that changes the top level list of elements to pick between a nested list and a flat list. 2. When the list is nested, selecting an element will unfold the elements below it. 3. When the user selects one of the nested elements it slides to the right to show the final set of element. Making ajax calls to data1. Make action attached to metadata.
- make constant in constants using makeConstant. - make action in actions 'requestAllMetadata'. 2. On sidebar: in componentDidMount add requestAllMetadata as a prop. Add it to the mapping that will get passed up to the state. 3. Redux-logic: middleware, provides hooks to validate before data goes into the store. - everything that has to do with event business logic goes into logics. We are working in the metadata branch of state. - using axios to make ajax calls. * inject parameter even when you don't need it so you can mock it in tests. Setup structure
Selectors: functions that get data from the state for you Actions: incoming state changes. Generally have payload (new data) and type (key used to route the action). Reducer: handling the actions. Generally large switch statements that route actions. Make sure by default you return the state even if there was no change, because the reducer is getting called whether or not it needs to so you could lose track of your state. Currently, the three branches of our state are metadata (basically all the data that is not visual content), content (visual content displayed on the site), and selections (active selections made by the user). To connect state to a component: use connect, which takes two arguments. The first is the function that returns a mapping of the particular element of the state you want to hand from the state to a property on the component, and the second is a property to give the component that will become a function wrapped in dispatch. Ie: {prop : fn} becomes dispatch(fn(prop)). In both cases, do not directly access the state nested objects (ie like state.selections.navTab), or directly call the dispatch function, instead pass functions that take care of the mapping for you. Goal: Compare the average volume of the major protrusion for untreated cells and CK666 treated cells.
Got all the major protrusion volumes untreated.largest.prot = c(c14_protrusions_rv2$V3, c15_protrusions_rv$V3, c10_protrusions_rv2$V3, c12_protrusions_rv$V3) Found the mean and the standard dev mean(untreated.largest.prot) sd(untreated.largest.prot) Note: for setting all NAs to 0: x[] <- 0 Results: The average volume of the major protrusion is higher, but also has a very large standard deviation. |